Avoid Water Damage by Doing These 3 Things | SERVPRO of East Boston, Chelsea & Revere
11/17/2023 (Permalink)

Water is a focal point in our homes and in our community, day in and day out. While water flows through our pipes on a daily basis to help us perform our basic household tasks, Chelsea Creek and the Massachusetts Bay is right off to the east, making our community truly surrounded by the expansiveness of water.
Whenever water is present or near our homes, the risk of experiencing water damage is increased. However, that possibility is not a guarantee as long as you know where to look and what to do as soon as you suspect a water problem.
Doing these three things regularly can help you avoid significant water disasters in your home:
Check on Your Appliances
If you are a homeowner, we would bet you have dealt with at least one faulty appliance during the time you’ve owned your home. Appliances that use water to function get used so frequently in our homes that they can easily malfunction or break if they get overworked or are left unattended for too long.
Checking on each appliance before using it can help you spot any emerging issues. New drips, a slow leak, or a deteriorating seal or water line should all be investigated and fixed before using the appliance in question. You should also make note of how old each of your appliances are and replace them as they age, since older equipment can sometimes become more unreliable the older it gets.
Address Roof Issues
Water damage can also occur because of the power of Mother Nature. Heavy rain can infiltrate through gaps or damage in your roof and leak down your walls.
A single undetected roof leak can cause your entire home to become compromised with water damage and even mold growth. Inspect your roof after each storm to check for missing shingles, dents or cracks, or even for obvious structural damage from a fallen tree or branch.
You should also treat your gutter system with care by clearing it out on a routine basis. Gutters can easily become clogged with leaves and other yard debris that pose serious issues to your roof.
If water can’t flow away from your home, it will back up on your roof and force its way into your attic. It could also pour over the side of your roof and lead to a soggy basement if it gets past your foundation.
Check on Your Water Lines
Water is constantly flowing behind your walls through your pipes and water lines. You probably don’t think about it on a daily basis, but a single pipe leak or burst water line behind your wall could lead to extensive structural damage in an instant.
Take the time to locate each water line in your home and routinely check them for signs of wear and tear, and add a line of caulk around any seals that are worn. You should also know how to turn off any water valve in your home and know which valve controls every pipe, faucet or sink.
Finally, keep an eye on your water bill. If you open up your bill and are surprised at how high it is even though nothing much has changed around your home, it may be due to a hidden water leak. A simple drip somewhere can lead to gallons of water being lost in a single day, which will severely impact your monthly budget.
Water damage can happen quickly and quietly. Contact SERVPRO of East Boston, Chelsea & Revere as soon as you discover the problem