Clutter..Storage... Hoarding
1/28/2016 (Permalink)

Do you have too much stuff?..Maybe a storage unit that is sucking money out of your monthly budget that you would like to get rid of. Do you or someone you know have a hoarding problem that you would like help?
Storage units can cost an average of $100 upwards of $200 a month placing a burden on your monthly budget. Evaluating if you really need something and getting organized can save you a lot of time money and effort in the long run.
Why do people get a storage unit? They have a home down size, an affinity for being easily mobile with the possibility to settle down at some point, or they just plain have too much stuff. Storage units should be a short term solution for a home in chaos due to some sort of disruption remodel, fire, water damage or natural disaster. These are all good reasons to need and utilize storage units for a temporary situation but many forget they have them. They may like the new free and open space in their home or just not want to deal with eliminating these valued treasures that have great worth. No matter the reason
Storage units that you have had for more than 6 months mean you have far too much stuff and may have a problem. Facing that knowledge can allow you to start the process of saving money, making some money and maybe even saving relationships.
Things that do not fit in your home are going to cost you a fortune over the course of even just a year. Many once they get a storage unit do not keep it for just a year it is kept for a long time. Due to the fact that once the items are boxed and shoved into a square room it makes it a lot harder to go through. Task is more daunting. Once the bill becomes too much, many will just abandon the unit all together. They don’t have storage auctions for no reason. Losing valuables, family heir looms and money that could have obtained from selling the items themselves.
Have a place for extra storage can result in someone that has a borderline problem can blow up into a real case of hoarding or shopaholics being able to perpetuate the problem . Hoarding causes a number of health and safety problems with in a home or office environment. Health issues can range from the development of mold, to infestations of various types of animals that will leave urine and feces all over. Ruining your possessions and posing a safety risk for tripping and falling, fire hazards due to an over abundance, and even structural problems if there is enough and the weight is excessive.
Either way if you walking around your home and the path ways are not clear, heating vents are blocked, rooms are designated junk rooms or even have a storage unit…you need to get a handle on the situation as soon as possible.
Hiring a company to remove the junk is a good start but if you are having trouble deciding what you need to keep, sell, donate, and throw away a professional organizer is a wonderful resource. They have the knowledge and know how to get you back on track.
Feeling good in your home is the path to physical and mental wellness. A professional organizer will not only help you make decisions on what to keep, donate, sell, and discard but assist you in ways that will allow you to keep it that way. Decreasing clutter and easily being able to find items will reduce your stress levels significantly. Improving relationships all around you can be far more valuable. They even have software, calendar, and task management systems they can help you set up.
Cleaning and reducing clutter in your life will allow you to appreciate and enjoy what you have. It will also create a space is a true home and not just a place to put stuff. In an age where the materialistic is becoming more and more intrusive on our day to day interactions it is important that we hold on to as much of our family and friends interactions as we can. Eliminating what we do not need, letting go of the past and sometimes even tossing out old ways will keep those relationships strong.
SERVPRO of East Boston Chelsea and Charlestown has a qualified team on staff that can help remove the clutter as well as a professional organizer that will help you make the tough decisions. Set up your initial consultation and get ready for the spring and summer now…